If you are interested in adopting a rescue Shih Tzu, please read this entire section BEFORE completing an application form.
Please note: If at any stage in the adoption process, we or one of our home checkers or foster carers feel that the situation is not right for our dog, you may be turned down. We do not have regimental rules on what homes are suitable, but an outline of the type of homes we are looking for and the process we follow, should you wish to apply to adopt one of our dogs can be found below.
Southern Shih Tzu Rescue does not discriminate against the more senior adoptee, but it must be understood that they may be offered an older Rescue, commensurate with their age and abilities, remembering that many Shih Tzu’s are quite lively well into their old age!
Southern Shih Tzu Rescue has a policy of not rehoming dogs with families who have children under the age of 8 years. Our experience over many years of studying case histories involving young children and Shih Tzu’s has lead us to make this decision.
Whilst we know that Shih Tzu’s make wonderful companion dogs, if you are looking to adopt a dog for the purpose of being an Assistance, Therapy or Support dog, Southern Shih Tzu Rescue does not provide this service.
Once you have completed an application form you will be interviewed over the telephone.
We will ask the home checker to clarify some of the points you have answered. For example, if you have said you are at home all day and a home checker has unsuccessfully tried to contact you several times over a couple of days, we may feel that you are not at home for enough hours to suit one of our dogs. A home visit is done to verify that the new home and garden will be a safe and secure place for our dog to go to.
You may be asked to provide references.
You will be expected to be prepared to travel to wherever the dog is staying in order to meet and adopt it or cover the cost of transportation at 30p per mile.
If you are applying for a puppy, please make sure you have the time to spend with it, to train and socialise it. Puppy training classes can be very beneficial and will enable your puppy to meet other dogs in a safe environment. Puppies are often much harder work than adult dogs!
All dogs will have had a vet check and if required any treatment necessary, and at least their first inoculation. All puppies are wormed and had at least their first inoculation.
Donations for dogs are non-refundable, and are as follows:
0 – 12 Months £ 500.00
1 – 2 Years £ 400.00
3 – 4 Years £ 275.00
5 – 6 Years £ 250.00
7 – 8 Years £ 225.00
9 – 10 Years £ 200.00
11 + Years £ 150.00
Donations are raised in order to help with the on-going costs of housing and veterinary care for the less fortunate dogs which pass through our Rescue.
All monies raised, collected or donated are used for the welfare and care of rescued Shih Tzu.
Payment to be made on delivery/collection. Additional transporting charges (when applicable) of 30 pence per mile is payable. Further information is available from the Rescue Co-ordinator.
We spend an enormous amount each year on vet treatments and supplies.
All our dogs will be up to date with their inoculations, been wormed will be neutered, unless there is a medical reason not to do so. If needed, we have x-rays, lab test, specialist procedures and operations carried out and often numerous additional medicines and treatment are needed.
Our transportation costs are large as we are constantly collecting dogs from various parts of the country.
We hope this will help you to understand the huge costs we have to incur and also let people see where their donations are spent. We are a registered Charity, and as so, rely entirely on donations.
We are looking for wonderful, responsible forever homes. That means asking questions and trying to marry up the correct dog with the prospective family. We are not judgemental, but we have a very large responsibility to make sure we do what’s right for our dogs and for you.
Please read Before applying to adopt a Shih Tzu if you are interested in adopting one of our dogs.